October 31st HALLOWEEN CUTE!!!!!

OK I've collaborated with the World Wide Web to find the most adorable animal costumes out there. Well recognizing that they are adorable I don't in any way endorse the idea of putting people cloths on your pets , it makes them sad. I remember one year my little sister and i dressed my mom and dads dog up like a bumble be. The costume was awesome it even had the little skull cap with antennas on it. I almost peed my self laughing at the dog but he was soo unhappy wether it was because he was dressed like a bumble bee or that we were laughing at him I will never know. Of course I feel the need to write captions for all the pictures i'v found so bear with me.

I'm pretty sure that little Annie  had miss Fluffy borrow her grovey girl cloths this halloween.Look at her little bottom lip she is to die for.

This is absalutley amazing and cruel. Why do dog owners always feel the need to dress there tuff dogs up in pansy costumes.

This little bunny is hip.

My question is how on earth did they get this costume on a squirlle. 


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