Tribute to the Margo Doll!!

As I put my daughter to be I got a whiff of the most wonderfull smell in the world. Her 25th edition cabage patch doll . Why do they smell so darn good? There smell last for ever and there is no other smell like it. Some try like baby podwer or baby soap but none of these quite hit the mark. When I was a kid I had a Cabage patch kid with curl brown wool hair and a soft materrial body . She came with white knee high socks and a traten dress. I named her margo doll after my grandmother, with some prompting from my mother. Last year before my daughter was even born I came across the excact same cabage patch doll for sale at walmart , they were marketing it as a 25th edition replica and of course I had to buy it. Know aptly named margo doll she goes to bed with my 18 month old daughter every night. So i'v decided to collect some pictures for you of cabage patch dolls through the years.


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